

  • Other names: Sweet marjoram Botanical Name: Origanum majorana Deutsch: Majoran Français: Marjolaine Dutch: Marjolein Español: Mejorana Form: Rubbed Different types (Green-Gray, Green, Gray) Harvest Period: March: Green-Gray […]
  • Botanical Name:  Cymbopogon citratus Deutsch: Zitronengras Français: Citronnelle Dutch: Citroengras Español: La hierba de limón Form: Cut (size as requested) Fine cut Harvest Period:  April – October […]
  • Other names: Egyptian spinach, Jute mallow, Moloukhia and bush okra Botanical Name:  Corchorus olitorius Deutsch: Jew Malve Français: Juif mauve Dutch: Jood Mallow Español: Malva del Judio […]
  • Botanical Name:  Hibiscus sabdariffa Deutsch: Hibiskus Français: Roselle Dutch: Hibiscus Español: Hibisco Form: Whole flowers Coarse cut (sifting) Fine cut (TBC) Harvest Period:  November – December Availability: […]
  • Botanical Name:   Psidium guajava Deutsch: Guaven Blätter Français: Feuilles de goyave Dutch: Guave bladeren Español: Hojas de guayaba Form: Dried leaves Harvest Period:  July – August Availability: […]
  • Botanical Name:  Anethum graveolens Deutsch: Dill Français: Aneth Dutch: Dille Español: Eneldo Form: Leaves Seeds Harvest Period:  December – March Availability: December – June Packaging: per client’s […]
  • Other names: Roman chamomile and Deutsch chamomile Botanical Name:  Matricaria chamomilla Deutsch: Kamille Blumen Français: Camomille Dutch: Kamille Español: Manzanilla Form: Whole flowers Flowers with long stems […]
  • Other names: Garden marigold, holligold, goldbloom, golds, ruddes, Mary bud, bull’s eyes, and pot marigold Botanical Name: Calendula officinalis Deutsch: Ringelblume Français: Souci Dutch: Goudsbloem Español: Caléndula […]